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Management of patients with polypharmacy, common medical conditions and dry mouth in general dental practice including prevention. 

I provide an overview of the treatment planning and management of patients with polypharmacy, common medical problems and dry mouth in General Dental Practice

By the end of the day delegates should have a better understanding of:


•Common medical conditions

•Dry mouth

•How to manage these patients in GDP, regarding prevention, and further treatment planning

•What is appropriate to be treated in GDP regarding these types of patient

•Referring these patients appropriately

By the end of the day delegates will;


•Have a more detailed knowledge of the current evidence regarding prevention, early intervention and treatment of patients with poly pharmacy, common medical conditions and dry mouths.

•Have knowledge on when it is appropriate to refer these patients.

•Delegates will have greater confidence in managing patients with polypharmacy, common medical conditions and dry mouths in primary dental care settings.

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